Out of the first 12 walls in wallpaper gallery 7 of them are rated either 2 stars , 1 1/2 stars and 1 star.
Raven2043 has 3 walls in first 2 rows.
one with 3 1/2 stars the others are rated 1 star.
Here was a post he made awhile back a post that says DELETE MY ACCOUNT:
https://forums.wincustomize.com/168863So I gather that if you make a lot of noise in forum you get your walls to be visible ..but if you ask discretely ( in email ) about a rejected wall like I did last week I get told that this is not a Union...long time members do not get special treatment...and its pretty much none of your business cause its not your wall. I asked because the wall was rejected and the rejection mail sent and the walls had no downloads at all. (Named InCOGnito appropriately) So I thought maybe it was a glitch , an accident , a mistake...because it didnt appear the walls had even been looked at...
Ok , so I was asking about a wall that was technically not ' mine' it was BuzzH58's, but seeing that BuzzH58 and I usually work on everything together and I have blanket permission to use any of his walls, themes, widgets and graphics at any time I felt I could inquire why a wall I felt was an ' ok ' wall was rejected and sent to that " personal site oblivion ' that no one ever sees.
That wall was to be part of a Theme we were working on but once it was rejected, I deleted anything I was working on. I figured ...why bother ? The moderators think the wall is crap so anything I make will be crap too .
I invested in Photoshop weeks ago...I open it, I close it. I dont even want to learn the program. It just seems like a waste of time.
So I guess I'll go download the free version of Apophosis and just upload fractals.